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Showing posts with the label Bridge Bearings and Expansion Joints

Importance of bridge bearings for bridge structures?

  Bridge decks have support through piers which are prone to damage because of vehicle movement and heat expansion. The main function of bridge bearings is - to offer a strong connection for controlling interactions of movements and loading between the structural parts (normally between the substructures and superstructures). Bride bearings give a uniform transfer of loads from the beams to the substructures. Both bridge bearings and expansion joints play chief roles in bridge construction.   What are bridge bearings and their function?   Bridge bearings carry movement/loads in both horizontal and vertical directions from the superstructure of brides. They help in conveying the loads to abutments and bridge piers. Loads can be dead load or live load in vertical direction/earthquake loads or wind load in horizontal directions. Bridge bearings and expansion joints are an important component of any bridge providing a resting surface. The main purpose of using such...