decks have support through piers which are prone to damage because of vehicle
movement and heat expansion. The main function of bridge bearings is - to offer
a strong connection for controlling interactions of movements and loading between
the structural parts (normally between the substructures and superstructures).
Bride bearings give a uniform transfer of loads from the beams to the
substructures. Both bridge bearings and expansion joints play chief roles in bridge construction.
What are bridge bearings and their function?
bearings carry movement/loads in both horizontal and vertical directions from
the superstructure of brides. They help in conveying the loads to abutments and
bridge piers. Loads can be dead load or live load in vertical
direction/earthquake loads or wind load in horizontal directions. Bridge bearings and expansion joints
are an important component of any bridge providing a resting surface. The main
purpose of using such a bearing is to permit movement and reduce involved
stresses. A few possible causes of movement are thermal contraction and
expansion, creep, shrinkages, fatigue etc.
functions of bridge bearings:
a) Allow
lateral movements because of traffic movement, shrinkage, wind, creep,
foundation movement, dynamic forces etc
Transmits loads to foundations
c) Houses
girder rotation
Both Bridge bearings and expansion joints help
in bearing loads and prevent damage.
What are the different types of bridge bearings?
There are
different kinds of bridge bearings:
> Pot bearing
bearings are a special kind of bridge bearings that are installed for embracing
larger translation loads as well as rotation in constricted areas. Pot bearings
are suitable for usage when the bridge rotations are large. Pot bearings are
affixed against translation. These bearings have huge reserve capacity against
the vertical loads. Pot bearings are of three kinds - 1)Fixed Pot Bearing
2)Sliding Pot Bearing 3)Guided Pot Bearing
>Rocker and Pin Bearings
are expansion bridge bearings that consist of curved surfaces which accommodate
translational movement. a pin present on the top promotes the rotational
movement of the structures of bridges. Rocker and Pin bridge bearings are
majorly used in the steel bridge structures. These bearings can withstand
severe deterioration and corrosion.
> Roller bearing
bearings help in the construction of steel or concrete bridge structures. These
bearings are used in two distinct forms - single roller & multiple roller bearings.
Multiple roller bearings have numerous rollers deployed under plates. They
promote the translational and rotational motion of bridges. Roller bearings are
expensive but have restricted weight capacity. These bearings require regular
rehabilitation and inspections.
> Elastomeric bearings
bearings are the elastomers that are constructed from natural and synthetic
rubber. These bridge bearings can support both rotational and translational
movements via elastomer deformation. They can carry even large loads and avoid
lateral bulging of elastomers.
So, you must have understood the importance of bridge
bearings. Bridge decks can experience huge damage because of heat expansion,
traffic movement, wind swaying etc. Bridge bearings can offer a connection for
controlling interactions of movements and loading in between the structural
parts. In a nutshell, the installation of bridge bearings and expansion joints can avoid severe damage to bridges. Reach out
to a reliable supplier of bridge bearings.
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