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Showing posts with the label The Permeable Grass/Gravel Paver

The BIG5 will be bigger this year, at DUBAI. See you all there

The suspension of major events in light of the pandemic has been a source of disappointment for many, especially in the construction and infrastructure community. In such a scenario, news about the BIG 5 exhibition - a gala event for those passionate about civil infrastructure - being organized in 2021 has come as a source of relief, and excitement for the masses. The exhibition is scheduled to be hosted from the 12 th - 15 th of September, 2021 , at the Dubai World Trade Centre , Stall - 7D301 . The exhibition, attracting participants from over 66 countries, provides a unique platform for business entities to showcase the best of their products. Dutco Tennant LLC - a well acclaimed participant in this display - have been trusted supplier of civil infrastructure products for quite some time now. They plan to highlight the innovation in the field of landscape and irrigation, which they bring to the table with their unique Drainage Cells. All that’s left for you is to reserve your se...